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Friday, 17 April 2015

I am Being Poached By a Rival Company …Should I Take The Job?

Career Dilemma – I am Being Poached by a Rival Company

By Tabitha Makumi,

What do you do when a rival company is interested in hiring you? Do you up and leave without much of a second thought? Or should you take time to think of the ‘repercussions’ that might follow if you go ahead with the move?

Stephen Ohuru* is caught up in such a dilemma and as he narrates in his recent email to Career Point Kenya, he feels stuck and doesn’t know if he should remain loyal to his current employer or think of his career development.

“I have been working with the same audit firm for two and a half years and so far my experience with my current employer has been great. Having joined the company straight out of campus, it’s with this company that I have learnt everything I know now.

I almost feel indebted to my boss for giving me an opportunity to work with his firm when every other company I had applied a job with had turned their backs on me for lack of experience.

However, I recently received an email from a HR with a rival audit firm saying he would be interested in discussing a job that had recently opened. I have never communicated with the said firm before so you can imagine my shock.

Initially, I don’t think I would have been bothered much if it was any other company that had shown interest in me.

Through the years, the said firm and my employer have developed blood between each other which all boils down to how they both ‘steal’ clients from each other.

The palatable thing about the deal is in their salary offer which is almost twice what I normally earn plus they have several allowances and benefits which are not available at my current place of work.

I am tempted to accept the offer but I feel it would be of great injustice if I went ahead with the move especially if this rival company is only interested in me out of malice.

What should I do…Should I take the job or not? Or better yet, should I tell my boss about all this?

Well, what advice would you offer Stephen?

Do you have a career dilemma to share, get in touch with

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The post I am Being Poached By a Rival Company …Should I Take The Job? appeared first on Career Point Kenya.Click on the TITLE link for the original.

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